Web3 Based Analytics

Market Your Web3 Product

Grow Your Community

Connect With Web3 Audiences

Gamify Your Web3 Marketing

Reward Your Web3 Users

Build Genuine Communities

Prevent Bots & Fake Users

Drive Sustainable Growth

Identify Your Web3 Users

Launch Web3 Marketing Campaigns

Target The Right Web3 Users

Track Web3 Native Metrics

Market Your Web3 Product

Understand the ROI of campaigns and get insights about the wallets that are interacting within your ecosystem

on-chain and off-chain tasks

ROI positive airdrops and campaigns

Campaign high level ROI and conversion rates

Views, mints, conversion rates. Everything you need to know to launch engaging campaign.

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Wallet level data about balance, assets held and apps used

Are my users bots, or do they have good balance and on-chain activities?

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Performance analytics

Are my users sticking to my platform after the campaign?

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Use cases and playbooks to learn web3 marketing

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