Web3 and Social Tasks

Market Your Web3 Product

Grow Your Community

Connect With Web3 Audiences

Gamify Your Web3 Marketing

Reward Your Web3 Users

Build Genuine Communities

Prevent Bots & Fake Users

Drive Sustainable Growth

Identify Your Web3 Users

Launch Web3 Marketing Campaigns

Target The Right Web3 Users

Track Web3 Native Metrics

Market Your Web3 Product

Engage your community with points and Web3 incentives.

on-chain and off-chain tasks

Data-driven campaigns

Select multiple tasks

We support social media tasks (Discord roles, Twitter and more), Web3 on-chain actions, surveys. Tide also support an audience based sybil protection system and Gitcoin passport

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Select rewards

Soulbound tokens, ERC20, raffles and dynamic NFTs. We offer a variety of rewards that can easily fit your strategy

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Publish campaign

Publish the campaign and host it in your project space, embed it in your website or contact us for a Tide custom whitelabel solution

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Data-driven quests

Select one task

We support social media tasks (Discord roles, Twitter and more), Web3 on-chain actions, surveys. Tide also support an audience based sybil protection system and Gitcoin passport

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Choose quest recurrence

Ask users to complete tasks once, daily or weekly to keep them engaged. Organize quests in custom categories

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Reward with XPs

Each quest completion rewards users with points that add up to the leaderboard

Launch Web3 native campaigns in minutes

Use cases and best practices

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