Get ARB to promote your campaign on Tide

Silvio Busonero
August 30, 2023

As part of the Tide STIP proposal, tide will be helping projects in the arbitrum ecosystem with data-driven campaigns to get new users onboard and engage existing users.

About Tide

Tide is the growth platform for web3 applications, empowering them to run data-driven web3 campaigns including:

  • Quests 
  • ERC20, raffles
  • ERC20, first come first served
  • Dynamic NFT campaigns, with users' status upgrading as on-chain activity increases
  • Leaderboard based campaigns

The scope of the grant

As part of the grant, Tide will support applications to create campaigns - to drive real growth for emerging and established projects in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Each project will benefit from a variable amount of tokens, that will depend on maturity and outcomes of the campaigns. Projects can expect 1-5k ARB to distribute to their users.

Resources to get started

Tide Campaigns Examples: A spreadsheet with a campaign template and all you need to get started using tide.

  • Tide blog
  • Contact us
  • How to get started

    • Create your community on Tide for free. Use your community assets to brand the space according to your protocol needs
    • Create a campaign plan. You can see this example to get ideas about campaigns plans according to your protocol needs. 
    • Share the campaign plan with tide team (DM here). 
    • Tide team will fund the campaigns and provide access to premium features such as analytics and campaign embeds

    Refer projects to Tide

    • We have an active affiliate program - get 150 OP to refer a project to Tide (link)